Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Get Luxurious Accommodations At Down-To-Earth Prices Through Vacation Rental Properties And Packages

People need vacations and breaks to relax and rejuvenate so they can start working again with renewed energy. Once in a while everyone dreams about going on a perfect vacation - the kids might fantasize about a vacation to Disneyland, newly married couples may desire to visit Las Vegas or Miami Beach, families might prefer Honolulu, Grand Canyon, or Myrtle Beach for a perfect family bonding holiday, while students may long to visit Cancun or Acapulco. Every adult, at some time or the other in his or her life longs for a perfect luxurious vacation - a type of vacation which encompasses spacious dwellings that solely fulfill your family's needs. An accommodation which offers separate bedrooms where you and your children can sleep undisturbed in privacy, a swimming pool reserved just for you so you are not forced to grab the first poolside lounge or chair available before all the seats are taken, a large spacious living room that acts as a common entertainment room where everyone can listen to music or watch their favorite movies and DVDs, or maybe just play a board game to relax. Imagine the luxury of a well stocked refrigerator having your favorite drinks and food so you can have whatever foodstuff you want at any time. It might seem like a dream for the average 9-to-5 job goer or a self-employed person because availing all these amenities and enjoying an extravagant vacation might seem to be incredibly expensive and cost a lot of money. Well that's not true anymore - there's a way out where you can enjoy the luxury of a perfect vacation well within your budget through vacation rental properties and rental packages. So now it's not just the rich and famous who can afford a grand vacation - the commoners can enjoy it too.

Vacation homes and rentals are recent trends in the travel industry and are taking Americans by the storm - they are quickly becoming very popular and the most sought after options for vacationers. Vacation homes are generally located in affluent and safe neighborhoods, usually near places of tourist interests and attractions, and offer what one would expect from a well-outfitted and well-kept private home. Such luxury residences typically include three bedrooms, private bathrooms, a well equipped kitchen with cookware and dishes, laundry rooms having dryers and washers, and TVs in living rooms as well as dining areas. Some vacation rentals also provide swimming pools, internet access, game rooms, good quality sound systems and flat screen TVs, pool tables, and even luxury linens - you name the amenity and it's available at a fraction of the cost than what you would generally expect. Booking a traditional hotel room offering these amenities would cost thousands of dollars, and if you are vacationing with your family it would cost a lot more. With vacation rental homes you can enjoy all the amenities with your entire family at the price of a single hotel room - it's highly affordable and worth it. Several advantages offered by vacation homes for rent are not available in traditional hotels and resorts. It's worth knowing what some of those important advantages are.

Affordable lodging and stay

The biggest advantage of rental homes is the price tag attached with the rental package - it's cheap and very easy to afford. While most hotels and resorts charge per room and/or occupancy, you pay a lump sum for the entire home including the rooms as well the amenities offered. You don't have to pay for individual rooms or the facilities you need - they are a part of your rental package and don't cost extra. You save a lot of money that way. What's more most luxurious hotels tend to cost the earth if you consider the daily staying charges on the basis of the type of luxury they have to offer. Rental homes offer luxury that's at par with most expensive hotels, but you end up paying significantly less staying charges - as less as paying for a typical hotel room. So an entire home is available at the cost of an average single hotel room. Many Daytona beach vacation rentals offer packages which are even afforded by large families having fewer earning members for whom saving money is a top priority.

Cheaper food and dining costs

Besides travelling and accommodation expenses, the second biggest expense incurred during a vacation is that of food and dining. Having breakfast, lunch, and dinner in restaurants and eateries everyday can add to your food costs. What's more you have to go to the dining place twice or thrice a day which will further increase your travelling costs. You also face the inconvenience of having your breakfast and lunch during the dining hours. Majority of the eateries have specific time slots for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and you need to visit those restaurants during their particular time slots. Not all food joints remain open 24x7, so if you are hungry and desire a late dinner it might be difficult to find a place nearby where you can buy the type of food you want.

With rented homes, these limitations are taken care of - you can prepare your meals whenever you desire. A fully equipped kitchen ensures you can cook any type of delicacy you want to eat, and that too at any given time - day or night. There are no limitations with respect to the timings, and you get to decide the type of food as well as the dinner time as per your convenience and whim. Most of the vacation rentals in Florida offer excellent residential homes in good localities with all the amenities, and they remain booked most of the time so you need to book your stay well in advance. Orlando hosts several popular tourist destinations such as the Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort (which includes the Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure), as well as the Sea World. Many families opt for Orlando vacation rental homes and packages for their holidays while visiting Orlando, since rented vacation homes are very affordable and convenient to stay in. Rental offers and packages help you save on your dining costs.

More privacy and freedom

In hotels you share a common corridor and amenities such as lifts, cafeteria, laundry rooms, etc with other occupiers and have to wait for your turn before using the resources. Moreover you have prying neighbors who at times keep tabs on what others are doing and can make you feel uncomfortable with their stares and looks. You regain your privacy only when you enter your room or suite. Most resorts and hotels require you to submit the room keys before leaving the premises, and to collect them while returning. Hotels also have predetermined housekeeping timings during which you have to make your room available for cleaning purposes and subsequently wait for the cleaning-maid to leave before you can carry on with whatever you are doing. If you have had a late night and prefer to get up late in the morning, there are good chances of someone disturbing you while you are asleep or resting. If you order food or services you also have to tip the waiters and bell-boys as per the norm.

With rented premises, you can set up your own timings and go to sleep or get up in the morning as and when you please - you don't have anyone disturbing your beauty sleep, or visit you when you are busy. You don't have to share your resources with anybody - your amenities belong to you as long as you rent your house. Inquisitive neighbors don't trouble you by invading your privacy as you have your own private area which is off-limits to other people. You also get to carry around your home keys with you when ever you go out. Many beach condo rentals offer total isolation and privacy in their holiday packages since the rental premises are on or near a seafront with other residing places and food joints situated at a distance or far away. Vacation rental plans offer you more privacy and freedom.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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